News and events

We launched our first SYMPLANTA® products of research-grade AM fungi in December 2011. May 2012, a separate product-line was launched to servie agricultural applications and end-consumers. From 2013 - 2018 agricultural and end-consumer (non-research) products were marketed through partners. Since 2019 we again provide all product-lines, for research, agricultural- and home-user.


Since 2013 there was significant media response to our work, including radio broadcast, TV, newspaper articles, etc. - see, e.g., our facebook page at

September 2012 (in German German)
Discussion of our article in L&M 5/2012 in relation to the application of AM fungi in barley production as fodder plant (also on poor soils) for pig breeding (Zentralverband der Deutschen Schweineproduktion e.V.) 

July 2012 (in German German)
Article about DNA-barcoding of fungi and application of AM fungi: Mykorrhiza-Pilze, DNA-Barcoding und nachhaltige Landwirtschaft. Schüßler A, in Labor & More 5/2012

March 2012, Munich
Press release LMU Munich about the publication 'Schoch et al. (2012)' in PNAS (see reference at the right), (in German German) Ein biologischer Barcode
: Wie unsichtbare Pilze ein Gesicht bekommen ('A biological barcode: how invisible fungi acquire a face'):

Anders als Fliegenpilz und Co., haben die arbuskulären Mykorrhiza mit auffälligen Fruchtkörpern nicht viel am Hut. Ein „DNA-Barcode“ lässt diese kaum zu unterscheidenden, aber wirtschaftlich wichtigen Pilze nun eindeutig Farbe bekennen.
Viele Getreidepflanzen, Sträucher und auch Bäume haben eines gemein: Sie sind auf die Symbiose mit arbuskulären Mykorrhizapilzen angewiesen. Ein internationales Forscherteam hat nun ein molekulares Nachweissystem - einen "DNA-Barcode" als genetische Erkennungssequenz - definiert, um ansonsten oft kaum unterscheidbare Pilzarten eindeutig identifizieren zu können. "Dies erlaubt eine genaue Analyse der Pilze, auch für mögliche Anwendungen", sagt LMU-Biologe und Projektpartner Professor Arthur Schüßler.
Die Gruppe an der LMU bearbeitet die arbuskulären Mykorrhizapilze, auch Glomeromycota genannt. Diese leben an und in den Wurzeln von Landpflanzen, denen sie Nährstoffe zuführen, um dafür energiereiche Kohlenhydrate zu erhalten. "Für die hoch diverse Gruppe der Pilze haben bislang DNA-Barcodes gefehlt, die bei Pflanzen und Tieren bereits definiert waren", sagt Schüßler. "Nun aber können auch die vielen 'unsichtbaren' Pilzarten direkt im Boden oder in Pflanzenwurzeln nachgewiesen und auch Gemeinschaften aus Symbionten untersucht werden – auch um etwa den Ertrag wichtiger Nutzpflanzen zu steigern."(suwe)


July 2020
New MiSeq based strategy exposed plant-preferential arbuscular mycorrhizal fungal communities in arid soils of Mexico.
(Senés-Guerrero C, Giménez S, Pacheco A, Gradilla-Hernández MS, Schüßler A 2020). Symbiosis: in press

August 2019
New species described, genus synonymized: Archaeospora ecuadoriana sp. nov. (Schüßler A, Walker C 2019). Mycorrhiza 29: 435-443. doi: 10.1007/s00572-019-00913-2

January 2019
End-customer (home user) product line SYMYC®Home re-launched, see (in German) and AMAZON

January 2018
Symplanta moved to Darmstadt, where our academic research on AM fungi once started!

July 2017
We again offer deep sequencing (MiSeq) based monitoring of AM fungi from roots or soil, based on 450 bp amplicon MiSeq sequencing

December 2016
Our partner, Wilhelms GmbH, in 2016 has sold AM fungi based microbial inocula for ca. 4000 ha, mainly for corn and potato

January 2016
Our methods for AM fungi detection and characterisation are publishes in a methodology book series (Senés-Guerrero and Schüßler 2016)

October 2015
Durum wheat quality is highly improved by AM fungal inoculation - publication submitted (update: paper is published)

August 2015
Surprisingly limited AMF community diversity detected by 454 sequencing in soybean fields in Italy.
Yet unpublished.

August 2014
Conserved AMF core-communities detected in potato from different geographic locations in South America. See publications Senés-Guerrero et al. 2014, Senés-Guerrero and Schüßler 2015.

July 2014
SYMPLANTA has limited its portfolio of AM fungal species for research, as most demand is for one fungus only. We now focus on this.

March 2014
Agricultural inoculum for 4500 ha sold by Wilhelms GmbH, marketing agricultural and other end-consumer inoculum.

November 2013
SYMPLANTA contracted with Wilhelms GmbH to become share-holder and develop and market agricultural products in larger scales. Agricultural products and applications are now developed in this newly founded company. Do not hesitate to cuntact us for such products and applications.

September 2013
SYMPLANTA is exhibitor at PotatoEurope, introducing a potato-product for spring 2014
SYMPLANTA is exhibitor at PotatoEurope

August 2013
End-customer (agriculture) product line SYMYC®Agri launched

July 2013
Result of field-experiment with lettuce:
21% and 12% freshweight increase
by inoculation with AMF. Two weeks after an early harvest at 17. June (which is mentioned in the last 'news', below), a clear positive response of both lettuce varieties was found. Although the weather was 'normal' (heavy precipitation and cold temperatures before) only during last 2 weeks, there was a clear difference in FW. The graph also demonstrates, that +AMF plants can be harvested 1 week earlier than -AMF plants, to obtain the same FW.
lettuce harvest after mycorrhizal fungi inoculation

June 2013
Lettuce-trials revealed up to 42% higher freshweigth after mycorrhizal fungi inoculation for one, but insignificant 3% for another viariety - under identical field conditions - demonstrating how different plant responses can be. The photograph shows comparison of the responding plants approx. 4 weeks before harvest.
lettuce 4 weeks before harvest

March-May 2013
Field trials with different crops (mainly maize) setup as pilot projects together with our partners, with more than 20 conventional as well as organic production farmers.
Later remark: Unfortunately, because the extremely cold and wet weather in spring, some of the maize in Bavaria was not even harvested
. AMF application could not make much difference under such wet and cold conditions (which were opposite to the usual situation, which is that springs get dryer and warmer). Yield increase was only analysed from one trial, being 4-5%.

February 2013
Commercial AM fungal inoculum sold for corn, potato, wheat, and oat.

January 2013
Talk and 2 posters presented at the international conference on mycorrizae in New Delhi, India
Talk at ICOM in India

November 2012
454-sequencing DNA based AM fungi monitoring in trees for a public authority in Germany.

October 2012
First customers from Asia requesting DNA based AM fungal characterisation.

September 2012
Extension of our activities to Africa. Our customers in scientific projects and commercial application are now covering 11 countries, on 3 continents (Europe, South America, Africa).

May 2012
End-customer (home user) product line SYMYC®Home launched, in addition to our December 2011 launched research pruducts, see 


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